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14/02/2019 Dr Wilkhoo HS Health Views 338 Comments 0 Analytics English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, which is characterized by the inflammation of the joint cartilage, causing pain, stiffness, warmth and redness. The inflammation occurs in the tissue lining that normally produces lubricating fluids for the joint. This condition is progressive in nature, and can cause the destruction of joints, leading to functional, locomotive disability and deformity.

Though rheumatoid arthritis is a disorder that can last for years, patients may or may not experience any symptoms for a long time. In some cases, the disease may affect other parts of the body like the eyes, lungs, and the heart.

Signs & Symptoms:
The severity and duration of the symptoms are unpredictable. 
- The patient may experience alternating aggravation and remission. The 
   RA symptoms may become latent and present no symptoms.
- At times, the patient may experience increased disease suffering called 
- Usually the patient suffers lasting inflammatory pain, stiffness and reduced ROM “range of motion” during first hour of morning, including fatigue, fever, and discomfort.
- Multiple joints are involved, especially close to the hands like wrists, fingers and other parts like neck, shoulders, elbows, knees and hips can also be affected.
- It may be unilateral or bilateral. 

As rheumatoid arthritis is auto immune disorder, it is very difficult to get rid of, hence management can be done to ease the pain and increase the level of comfort. The management of RA comprises of the following:
1) Conservative management
2) Lifestyle management
3) Homeopathic management
4) Alternative management

Conservative management includes mainly: pain medication, anti-inflammatory treatment.
1. Pain medication: Pain in RA is very excruciating, and make the patient uncomfortable with the reduced range of motion “ROM”. This is the first choice to reduce pain. There are many types and levels of pain medications which can range anywhere from being mild to very strong. 
2. Anti-Inflammatory Medication: Inflammation of the joints is the primary symptom of this disorder. Excoriating Inflammation causes pain by damaging the cartilaginous lining of joint. Thus, treating the inflammation with relevant anti-inflammatory medication also reduces pain. 
3. Interventional Pain management: Interventional approach is attempted when there is severe inflammation and unbearable pain. These include intra-articular (joint) injection, neurotomy, radio frequency therapy, laser therapy, ozone therapy, platelet rich plasma or anti-inflammatory injections.
Lifestyle management plays a very important role in managing the chronic condition. Lifestyle management includes various aspects of lifestyle modification; viz; weight management, diet management, stress management. 
1. Weight management: Rheumatoid arthritis many of the times involves major weight bearing joints like knee, ankle, etc. Pain in these joint is exacerbated by overweight/obesity. It has been noticed that obese or overweight people tend to suffer more from arthritis pain due to add on pressure to the joints. Thus small amount of weight loss also helps to reduce significant pain. 
2. Dietary management: Diet plays an important role in management of arthritis. Therapeutic diet can be useful to control the disorder in means of pain and progress of the disease. Certain types of foods, like fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fruits rich in anti-inflammatory properties are good for reducing intra-articular (within the joints) inflammation, hence reduces pain. Whereas there are some edibles/consumables like simple sugar, alcohol, white refined flour, red meat, gluten rich, this may aggravate inflammation and should be avoided. 
3. Massage therapy: Massage therapy is a very advocated but with cautious. It promotes circulation in and around the joint. Massage is advised during non-inflammatory condition to relax the muscle stiffness and circulation. Massage should be accompanied with hot fomentation to complement the benefit. 
Alternative therapy management: Some alternative therapies are recommended to ease the inhibit inflammatory process and muscle stiffness. Most commonly recommended therapy is Hot-Cold compress, acupuncture, wearing supportive wears to encourage circulation and reduce pain. TENS “Tanscutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation” is another recommended procedure when nerve is strongly involved. 
Alternative Medicine: Homeopathy and ayurveda are most preferred alternative medicines. Homeopathic medication not only effectively gives relief but also focuses on treating the cause of the disorder. 
The various homeopathic remedies that are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis are: 
1. Calcarea carbonica: Arthritis with formation of peri-articular nodes in the affected joint. Pain and symptoms, aggravate during damp weather.
2. Arnica:  Soreness around the affected joint. The symptoms tend to worsen on touch.
3. Bryonia: Great stiffness with throbbing pain on motion in affected joints, which tend to worsen in cold weather.
4. Calcarea fluorica: Inflammatory nodules, which is relieved by heat.
5. Kali carbonicum: Extreme stiffness of joints with pain. Pain aggraves during the early morning hours and during first movement. Symptoms tends to worsen in damp and cold weather.
6. Pulsatilla: Fluctuating, wandering symptoms and pain. The symptom is worsen in warm conditions and is better in cold conditions.
7. Rhododendron: Symptoms tend to flare up and aggravate in cold, stormy weather.
8. Rhus Toxicodendron: Pain in aggravated in first motion and relieved by continued motion. Warmth tend to reduce the stiffness and pain.   

Dr Harkirat S Wilkhoo	                   
Certified Lifestyle Medicine Specialist
Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist 


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