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09/02/2021 Dr Wilkhoo HS Health Views 1.9K Comments 0 Analytics Video English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
Influenza "The Flu"

Influenza is a most common and contagious viral infection that attacks upper respiratory system including nose, throat and lungs. It’s commonly known as Flu. Influenza represents with variants of virus; Type A, B & C. Depending upon their health impact and severity the management varies. Most common and vulnerable flu virus in Influenza A. • Causative Factors: - Droplet spray of infected people - Contaminated surface - Contaminated food items • Risk Factors:  Young children under the age of 5.  Elderly over the age of 65.  Weak / Low Immunity.  Existing ailments; asthma, cardiac disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, etc.  Healthcare Professionals (HCP)  Pregnant women.  Gross obesity, BMI 40 Signs & Symptoms  Fever over 100.4 F (38 C)  Myalgia “Aching muscles”  Chills & Cold Sweats  Headache & Heaviness of head (Forehead/Orbital)  Dry - Irritative cough  Nasal congestion / Fluent Discharge  Watery eyes (Acrid lachrymation)  Sore throat  Fatigue and weakness Management: • Prevention - Do’s & Don’ts • Fluids: Drink plenty of fluids, like, plain water, fresh juice and warm soups to prevent dehydration. • Rest: Proper rest gives body a chance to fight. • Hot water gurgling: To reduce sore throat. • Hot Drinks: Soups, Green-ginger Tea, etc. • Honey-Lemon: drink warm water with lemon-honey to boost your immunity. • Steam: Inhale hot steam to clear nasal blockage and decongestion. • Breathing Exercise: Do 5 minutes of alternate nostril breathing to ease. • Conventional Management  Antipyretic: To reduce increased temperature.  Analgesic: To reduce body and muscle ache.  Anti-allergic medication  Emergency approach: during an acute attack causing increased heart rate or respiratory distress. • Alternative Management Holistic science of Homeopathy plays an important role in treating allergies without any adverse effects. The common symptoms in Flu are well controlled and managed by homeopathic medicines. The totality of symptoms are considered during the treatment for individualizing and selection of the remedy. The top homeopathic medicines used are Aconite, Allium C, Arsenic Alb, Ars Iod, Belladonna, Eupartorium P, Ferrum Phos,Gelsemium, Influenzinum, Kali Mur, Mercurious Sol, etc. Stay Home, Stay Healthy Dr Harkirat S Wilkhoo Specialist Homeopath Specialist Lifestyle Medicine

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