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02/05/2024 Dr Wilkhoo HS Health Views 691 Comments 0 Analytics Video English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
Dengue "The BoneBreak Fever" From Mild to Deadly: Understanding the Full Impact of Dengue Fever

Dengue, often referred to as #bonebreak fever or #hemorrhagic fever, is an affliction that places a significant health burden on tropical regions worldwide. Despite its severity, a large percentage of those affected experience mild symptoms, which can lead to underreporting and, unfortunately, underestimating this disease's true impact. Knowing #Dengue: Dengue is an acute febrile illness caused by the dengue virus, which belongs to the Flaviviridae family. It is transmitted through the bites of Aedes mosquitoes. There are four distinct serotypes of the dengue virus (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4), which means an individual can be infected up to four times. * A Quick Look: Dengue is characterized by - Sudden onset of fever, - Severe headache, - Muscle and joint pains, - Distinctive petechial skin rash. * Signs & Symptoms: Dengue manifests its course in phases. - Fever Phase during attack and rise in fever. o Sudden, high fever up to 104°f/40*c o Severe headache o Pain behind the eyes o Multijoint pain and muscle pain. o Nausea and vomiting. o Skin rash that appears 3 to 4 days after the onset of fever. - Critical Phase during the severity of signs and symptoms. o Decrease in blood pressure. o Weak pulse o Gastric bleeding o Fluid accumulation in the chest and abdomen. o Reduced platelet count o Decreased clotting - Recovery Phase neurological afffection after fever phase. o Occurrence of fits or seizures. o Altered consciousness. o Generalized itching. * Complications Associated with Dengue: The complications from dengue can be life-threatening, including: - Dehydration, develops due to high fever, vomiting and plasma leakage. - Hemorrhage, manifesting as petechial haemorrhages - Gastric bleeding in severe cases - Reduced platelet count - Prone to hemorrhagic tendency, bruises. - Circulatory Failure due to a weak and faint pulse, which can lead to shock. - Liver Damage with mild to severe elevation of liver enzymes. - Dengue Shock Syndrome is a critical condition, especially in children, this can cause a drastic drop in blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation, leading to collapse. *Homeopathy for Dengue: #Homeopathy offers several remedies for the symptoms of dengue, including: - Rhus Toxicodendron for fever with severe muscle pains and chills. - Eupatorium Perforatum is recommended for fever with intense joint pains during the attack. - Gelsemium is suited for patients exhibiting fever with chills, thirstlessness, profound weakness, and violent headaches. - Carica Papaya helps to increase the #platelet count. * Tips for Preventive Care: Prevention of dengue involves personal protection and community-level efforts to reduce mosquito populations. Here are some helpful strategies: - Fluid Intake: Drink plenty of fluids like water, juices, and soups to stay hydrated. - Effective complete rest ensures relief and boosts the body to fight off the virus. - Regular Monitoring is very important in dengue. Keep a close eye on the platelet count and hematocrit levels through blood tests. - Diet: consume a light and easily digestible diet. - Juices: fresh fruit juices, especially orange juice which promote cell repair and have an antitoxin effect. - Green Tea: helps to boost the immune system by detoxifying effect. - Avoid Mosquito Bites: use mosquito repellent, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and use mosquito nets. - Maintain cleanliness in surroundings and reduce water stagnation to minimize the risk of dengue virus transmission. * Conclusion: Dengue is a serious disease that can lead to life-threatening complications. Understanding its symptoms, seeking timely medical advice, and taking preventive measures can significantly reduce the risks associated with this disease. Whether opting for homeopathy or traditional medicine, the focus should be on early detection and supportive care to manage symptoms and prevent complications. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so stay vigilant and protect yourself and your loved ones from dengue fever.

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