Neelam Saxena Chandra | Additional Divisional Railway Manager, Indian Railways Pune Division Pune | [email protected]

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02/04/2020 Neelam Saxena Chandra General Views 199 Comments 0 Analytics English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
A few stinking corpses shall be found in the gullies,
A few reeking carcasses shall be forsaken in the lanes;
A few tears shall flow, 
The bugle shall blow,
Ah! The life shall never be the same again!

Frenzy across the uncompromising borders perpetuates,
Fury and rage whirl in the blue of the veins;
No one wants to halt,
Both sides are busy finding faults,
Ah! The life shall never be the same again!

The days shall have martyrs as grisly gifts,
The nights shall sacrifice the vermillion on their manes;
The innocent children shall be fatherless,
The aging parents shall death witness,
Ah! The life shall never be the same again!

A few cities may fall with the curtain at twilight,
A few towns shall wear cloaks covered with blood stains;
Existence shall end with a swift,
On the alleys red water shall drift,
Ah! The life shall never be the same again!

My mind knows that alternative there may be none,
But my emotional heart witnesses enormous pains;
War has always been gory,
Oh! Why don’t we learn from history?
Ah! The battles have always been insane!


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