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19/05/2023 Salma Shabnam Nature Views 239 Comments 0 Analytics Video English DMCA Add Favorite Copy Link
Does God Call Only The Qualified ?

Jacob was a cheater Sarah was impatient Jonah ran from God Martha was a worrier Moses was nagging and of slow speech Rehab was a temporary prostitute Matthew was a sinner Abraham was old Peter was of high temperance Saul was a Christian persecutor David was a runz man Isaiah was also slow in talking.... With many more unqualified characters in the Bible, yet God called and used them. Now this is my point Most times, God doesnt call the qualified But He qualifies the called. Do you feel unworthy to the call of God? Do you feel you are the worst sinner? Do you think God wont accept your sacrifices? Hold on! God who cleanse Isaiah will clean you, it is left for you to only say like Isaiah Lord here I am, use me. There are many people scattering all over the globe who hasnt heard the good news of Gods coming kingdom, and the Lord is asking "Who Will Go For Us To Reach Out To These Hungry Souls?". Will you answer here I am, send me? Remember, most times, God doesnt call the qualified, but He qualifies the called. Shalom!

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